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Odyssey of the Coach: Week 15

Weekly tips and ideas for Odyssey coaches: Any stumbling block is a good time for spontaneous practice

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Regional Tournament T-shirts Available

We have t-shirts for the the Regional Tournament!  Order at

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Odyssey of the Coach: Week 14

Weekly tips and ideas for Odyssey coaches: Crisis Management

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Odyssey of the Coach: Week 13

Weekly tips and ideas for Odyssey coaches:  Teamwork – Bossy and Hesitant Members

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Office Hours for Coaches – Thursday, January 5

The next on-line Office Hours for coaches will be on Thursday, January 5, at  7:30 pm and will run for an hour.  The link for the meetings is  The topic for this week is Writing a skit.  A good resource  to review is As before, after the presentation Amy will be available for …

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