Category: General Information

Virginia Tournament Virtual Award Ceremony

The Virtual Award Ceremony will be held this Saturday, April 10th, at 7:00 pm.  The ceremony will be a combination of both pre-recordings and live interaction.  All teams, parents, coaches, and judges are welcome to attend. Dial-in number (US): (339) 209-6599 International dial-in numbers: Online meeting ID: tcoate Join the online meeting:

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Registration for Teams and Experienced Judges

All teams that are interested in competing in the state tournament need to register here by January 30. We are also looking for experienced judges who are willing to learn new technology.  Everything is online, so no worries about traveling!  If you are interested register here.

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Coaches and Coordinators: Upcoming Information Session

On December 9th Wednesday at 7:00 – 9:00 pm, VA Odyssey of the Mind will host a virtual information session for school and program coordinators and coaches.  Details can be found on the event page at

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NovaNorth Odyssey of the Mind Update

Thanks for your patience as we work out how to best implement a new Odyssey of the Mind season in the world of 2020!  We now have more concrete information for you, and we wanted to pass it along.  This year, there will be no regional tournaments in the State of Virginia and everyone, including …

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NovaNorth Odyssey of the Mind 2020-2021 Update and Survey

Since 2020 is so unlike life as usual, our kickoff to the 2020-2021 Odyssey of the Mind Season is a bit delayed, and a bit different.  We have been holding out hoping to have more clarity to bring you, and hoping this would also allow you some time to settle into the new normal of …

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