Category: General Information

State Schedule Available

The schedule for the VOICES state tournament is available here. Note: Not all gaps in the schedules are labeled; any gap is either a mid-morning or mid-afternoon break or a lunch break.

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Regional Tournament Results Have Been Posted

Regional tournament results can be seen here on the Nova North web site.

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NoVA North Tournament Logistics

NoVA North Tournament Logistics Sunday, March 18, 2018 TJ High School for Science and Technology 6560 Braddock Road, Alexandria, VA 22312 Hello everyone, First and foremost, I’d like to thank you all for your patience and understanding this season as we’ve changed not only dates for the tournament but locations as well. It has been …

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Regional Tournament Rescheduled

Hello to all! After a whirlwind of a weekend, we’re happy to report that we were able to get in touch with some wonderful folks at Fairfax County Public Schools, and we have been able to (barely!) secure a school to run our tournament, while avoiding spring break and Easter! The tournament will now take …

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Tournament Canceled for Today

Hello all, Our worst fears have been confirmed, and Fairfax County Public Schools are closed for the day. The tournament is canceled for today, and we are gathering our heads together to come up with an alternate plan. We will advise you as soon as we have more information. Thank you for your understanding and …

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