Category: General Information

2016 Regional Tournament Results Available

Congratulations to all of the teams that competed at our 2016 Regional Tournament! The final results for all problems have been posted online. All first-place teams are invited to compete at the Virginia State Tournament in April. We were proud to present several Ranatra Fusca Awards and OMER’s Awards at the Closing Ceremonies. The full …

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A word from the Tournament Director…

Hello! I hope this message finds you and your teams well and eagerly anticipating the tournament next weekend, March 12th. I know that I can speak for the entire NoVA North Board when I say that we cannot wait to see what the teams have in store for us next weekend. It kind of feels …

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Reminder – Final Deadline for T-shirt Orders

The final deadline for T-shirt orders is midnight on Friday, February 26.  Submit your order here.

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Reminder – Deadline for Advance T-shirt Orders

The deadline for advance orders for T-shirts is midnight on Friday, February 5.  Shirts ordered by this date may be picked up at Judges Training on February 20 or at the tournament on March 12. T-shirts ordered on Saturday or thereafter will be $3.00 more per shirt.

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Reminder – Coaches Q&A

All coaches and assistant coaches are invited to the Coaches Q&A session this coming Wednesday evening at the Thomas Jefferson Regional Library at 7145 Arlington Boulevard. Regional Problem Captains and Tournament Directors will be available to answer any questions you have as you prepare for the upcoming tournament. Drop in for a few minutes or …

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