Category: General Information

Food Trucks at NoVA North/South Tournament

In a new offering, we will have two food trucks outside the school to allow more flexibility for your creative hunger!  See the full details at

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A Note From the Tournament Directors

As the tournament approaches, please read this important note from the Tournament Directors:

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Odyssey of the Coach: Week 24

Weekly tips and ideas for Odyssey coaches: Remember to Have Fun!

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Odyssey of the Coach: Week 23

Weekly tips and ideas for Odyssey coaches: Getting Ready for the Tournament

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Office Hours for Coaches – Thursday, March 16 (corrected)

The next (and last) on-line Office Hours for coaches is Thursday, March 16, at  7:30 pm and will run for an hour.  The link for the meetings is  The topic for this week is Panic! As always, after the presentation Amy will be available for questions.

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