Category: General Information

Odyssey of the Coach: Week 17

Weekly tips and ideas for Odyssey coaches: Know the Rules!

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Odyssey of the coach: Week 16

Weekly tips and ideas for Odyssey coaches: Getting back on track

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Tournament Registration Deadline Extended

Tournament registration will remain open for a few more days.  We need to get all teams in the system so that we can begin building the schedule.  If you are still looking for a judge, please register a judge with a name like “Myschool Placeholder” (use something unique to your team) and whatever made-up  information …

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Office Hours for Coaches – January 19

The next on-line Office Hours for coaches is tonight, January 19, at  7:30 pm and will run for an hour.  The link for the meetings is  The topic for this week is Iterating, clarifications. As before, after the presentation Amy will be available for questions.

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Odyssey of the Coach: Week 15

Weekly tips and ideas for Odyssey coaches: Any stumbling block is a good time for spontaneous practice

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