The Second City comedy institution has created a 4 week online course customized to Odyssey of the Mind participants aged 12-18. Virginia VOICES and NoVA North OotM have committed to provide partial reimbursement of the $150 registration fee, based on the number of teams that take advantage of this unique opportunity.
Please review the following details and click the link to register:
“Odyssey SPARK” is a four-week, online course developed by the teachers at The Second City in which the tools and principles used at the comedy institution are customized for Odyssey and conveyed in a fun, interactive way.
Specific topics include:
- Writing Like an Improviser
- Creativity via ‘Yes, And…’
- Creating Content
- Clustering: A Brainstorming Technique
- Thinking Like a Character
- The Second City Method of Character Development
- Characters and Objectives
- Working with a Team
- Pitching a Premise
- Giving Notes and Constructive Criticism
- Getting Notes
- Editing
- Theatricality
- Stage Presence
- Failure
Teams can complete the course as a team (i.e., $150 registration per team), and coaches/parents can lead their OMers through the course as a skills-learning workshop.
Each week will have an assignment, but no specific solutions for the current year will be discussed (i.e., no Outside Assistance).
After completing the four-week course, teams should have a better understanding of how to write comedic sketches, develop rich characters, perform with style and professionalism, give and receive feedback gracefully, and understand the importance of taking calculated risks.
The course updates each week, which allows individual teams an opportunity to complete that week’s module at their own pace.
The assigned instructor at Second City is available for any questions and to make sure each team is progressing accordingly.
The link for the Odyssey Spark program through Second City is now live for information and registration: