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NoVA North Teams Participating in 2020 Virtual World Finals

Because so many state and regional tournaments were canceled because of the pandemic, Odyssey of the Mind has created a new format for World Finals this year.  All teams have been invited to register by preparing videos of their solutions and submitting them as entries to the Virtual World Finals.  These NoVA North teams have accepted the challenge and registered:

Westbriar Elementary SchoolNet Working1Chowbey
Dolley Madison LibraryNet Working2Abraham
Waples Mill ElementaryThe Effective Detective1Goldstein
Fox Mill Elementary SchoolThe Effective Detective1Cossio
Chesterbrook Elementary SchoolThe Effective Detective2Abraham
Langley High SchoolThe Effective Detective3Dallas
Waples Mill ElementaryGibberish or Not2Goldstein
Haycock Elementary SchoolGibberish or Not2Thomas

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