Odyssey of the Coach: Week 3

Weekly tips and ideas for Odyssey coaches:

This week’s post is Parent Involvement.

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Odyssey of the Coach: Weeks 1 and 2

Once again, we are going to present our series of weekly tips and ideas for Odyssey coaches.  For new coaches, we hope you will find these short articles helpful in your journey into coaching.  Returning coaches may find them useful as well.  Watch your email and check the NOVA North home page each Wednesday for the next article about coaching and managing your team.

Feel free to use the Contact Us link if you have questions about any of the information in the postings.

The first topic is Make good use of the time before teams solidifyThe second is a topic that always generates much discussion, so we are presenting it right away: “We can’t use that idea” – The In and Out of Outside Assistance.


Permanent link to this article: https://www.novanorth.org/wp/?p=3528

New Tutorial – Selecting and Understanding the Long-Term Problem

One of the most important things a team will do each season is decide which long-term problem to solve. They will make a better decision if they read the full requirements for each problem first. Then, of course, they need to understand the problem in order to create a great skit. We encourage coaches to have the team watch this 15 minute video to see what they should look for in the problem description.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.novanorth.org/wp/?p=8569

Regional Tournament on March 25, 2023

We are delighted to announce that Oakton High School will host the regions 9 and 12 combined tournament on March 25, 2023. Oakton hosted the tournament for 5 years and has just undergone a major renovation, so we are thrilled to be returning.


Permanent link to this article: https://www.novanorth.org/wp/?p=8543

Reminder for October 15 Orientation

Reminder to all coordinators, coaches, potential coaches, and interested parents to come to an Orientation session for Odyssey of the Mind on October 15, at the Sully District Community rooms 8:30am to 12:45 pm.  The session will be divided into 2 parts:

-a general orientation to Odyssey of the Mind (explaining the program’s philosophy, rules/guidelines, and the three core elements of an in-person tournament: Long Term Problem, Style, and Spontaneous)
-a Spontaneous workshop (explaining the different kinds of spontaneous prompts and how to practice with your team)
Come for the entire program or Spontaneous only.

Here is the signup link:   https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f054daba62ba64-odyssey

See www.novanorth.org for more information.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.novanorth.org/wp/?p=8537